

Places We Protect

Zetterberg Preserve at Point Betsie


Waves roll onto the sandy shore of Zetterberg Preserve at Point Betsie.

Point Betsie contains diverse natural communities, including wetlands, dunes, beaches and forests.



The dunes at Pt. Betsie are part of the largest freshwater dune system in the world, which covers 275,000 acres of Lake Michigan shoreline. They provide critical habitat for rare species, including Pitcher’s thistle. They have also been identified as a potential nesting site for piping plovers as the population of this endangered species recovers. For over a decade, TNC worked with the Michigan Dune Alliance to conserve this rare coastal ecosystem.

Point Betsie became a preserve through the generosity of Steve and Connie Zetterberg. In 1988 the Zetterbergs donated the original 71 acres of sand dunes, which became the Zetterberg Preserve at Point Betsie—a property that had been in their family for generations. After having been preserved by the Zetterberg family, Point Betsie is now maintained by TNC and cherished by generations of Michiganders.



Pets are not permitted. Please stay off the dunes.


Hike along the shoreline of Lake Michigan or visit the historic Point Betsie Lighthouse.

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Exploring the Preserve

The activities below will help you explore this preserve and enhance your connection with nature—from the comfort of your home or while onsite.

  • A person crouches down to examine green plant life while on a hike at Nan Weston Nature Preserve in Michigan.


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    We offer a variety of ways to explore including geocaching, webinars, events and volunteer opportunities. You can even request a permit to use TNC land for scientific research! Learn More

Lake Michigan Dunes (3:48) Learn more about eastern Lake Michigan's magnificent dunes, the largest freshwater dune system in the world!

Plan Your Visit

Frequently Asked Questions

  • For your safety and to protect this fragile ecosystem, please stay off the dunes. Consider a hike along the shoreline instead of through the preserve to prevent dune erosion. 

    Natural hazards to be aware of include poison ivy and leafy spurge, which can cause skin irritations.

    Walking the sand dunes of this preserve is strenuous, and there are dangerous lake currents offshore.

  • This preserve is open year round. In July, watch for rare Pitcher's thistle bloom with cream-colored flowers. Point Betsie also offers excellent birdwatching opportunities during the spring and fall migrations, which are in May and late-August through September, respectively. 

    The preserve is adjacent to the Point Betsie Lighthouse, which is open for tours Memorial Day to Columbus Day. The beach is not part of the preserve. Respect private landowners who live adjacent to the preserve by not trespassing.

  • Come prepared with sunscreen and bug repellant. Be sure to bring plenty of water with you when you visit.

    • Walking, birdwatching and photography along the beach and road
    • Educational studies with approved permit
    • Swimming in Lake Michigan
  • For the safety of both the habitats at this preserve and visiting guests, we ask that you please follow the rules listed below.

    • No motorized and non-motorized vehicles
    • No pets
    • No hunting or trapping
    • No removal of plants or animals (alive or dead)
    • No removal of rocks, water or other non-organic materials
    • No camping, bonfires, fireworks or other fires
    • No firewood collecting
    • No removal of any stakes, poles, signs, markers or other objects, as they may be part of an ongoing study or class
    • No littering
  • Have questions about the preserve? Contact us at

A tiny piping plover chick walks over a rocky shore.
Piping Plover Piping plovers nested at the Zetterberg Preserve at Point Betsie for the first time in several decades. © Fauna Creative


Point Betsie is a dynamic mosaic of shifting sand dunes, wetlands, boreal forest and sandy Lake Michigan beaches constantly battered by wind, ice, waves and currents moving along the shore of the lake. This globally imperiled open dune habitat provides a place where threatened species such as Pitcher’s thistle, fascicled broomrape and the Lake Huron locust can thrive.

Dune vegetation includes marram grass, beach pea and hoary puccoon with forested islands of balsam fir, paper birch, red oak and creeping juniper. Peaceful ponds among the dunes swell and shrink in sync with water levels in Lake Michigan, attracting migrating birds such as the semipalmated plover. Cedar waxwings flit through pockets of forest, while spotted sandpiper and killdeer scurry over the sand. 

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From shifting sand dunes to granite bald mountains, explore our preserves and reserves spread across the state of Michigan.

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