

Places We Protect

Cucumber Creek Preserve


Fast-flowing waters in a small, rocky creek.

Summer home for nesting, neotropical migrant birds.



Cucumber Creek Preserve was established in 1989 and encompasses 3,629 acres to protect neotropical migrant birds and their habitat. Of the 33 species of birds found on the preserve, more than half of them are migrating species. These birds nest during the summer in large blocks of continuous forest in North America and then migrate thousands of miles to Central and South America to spend the winter. 

Cucumber Creek is a clear, high-gradient stream flanked to the north by Kiamichi Mountain and to the south by Blue Bouncer Mountain. It was named for the Cucumber magnolia, a small tree native to eastern forests whose range slightly extends into Oklahoma. 

Lynn Mountain is another feature of the area and divides Cucumber Creek from the Beech Creek National Scenic Recreation Area, part of the Ouachita National Forest that has a parking area and trail system.

Though birds are the focus of this preserve, the biodiversity of the region is impressive. Other animal species include black bears, zebra swallowtails, white-tailed deer, timber rattlesnakes and cottonmouths. There are at least 39 plants and animals on the preserve that are only found in the Ouachitas like the Ouachita Mountain Shiner, a small fish at home in Cucumber Creek.



Due to sensitive habitat and remote location, the preserve is closed to the public.


LeFlore County, OK

Map with marker: Located in LeFlore county, Oklahoma


Neotropical migrant birds, bats, Ouchita Forest, clear streams


3,629 acres

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Photos from Cucumber Creek

Discover the unique species of the Cucumber Creek Preserve.

A young cucumber magnolia tree.
A black bear walks in front of a trail camera triggering a photo.
A young white-tailed deer.
A coiled timber rattlesnake.
Red-tailed hawk flying.
A hand holding a small salamander.
Magnolia acuminata tree blooming.
Yellow rumped warbler on a tree limb.
Zebra swallowtail butterfly on a pile of leaves.
Painted bunting sitting on a tree limb.

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