
Advocacy in Action

Throughout the year, our staff and volunteer leaders visit lawmakers in Washington and in their home states to advocate for policy action on conservation.

Advocacy in Action Throughout the year, our staff and volunteer leaders visit lawmakers in Washington, D.C., and in their home states to advocate for policy action on conservation. Watch one advocate’s journey to create a future in which people and nature thrive.

The Nature Conservancy is a trusted and respected advocate for stronger conservation policies around the world, including in Washington, D.C.

That's not just because of our scientific expertise and experience on the ground, but also because of our passionate trustees and others who volunteer their time and energy to advocate for nature.

Along with our experts and staff, these volunteers take their case directly to lawmakers, helping influence and shape the smart policies necessary to create a future in which people and nature thrive. These in-person meetings have helped secure major policy wins like greater federal investment in nature and permanently reauthorizing the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Take Action

You can be an advocate for nature, too. Tell your members of Congress that you want them to invest in nature and act on climate.