From the Gulf of California to the Maya Forest: two coasts where diversity thrives.
Bathed by two oceans and waters that extend between the tropics, Mexico is a country of diversity. Its indigenous peoples, local communities, and environmentalists from all regions have set an example of conservation and innovation. TNC relies on these traditions to innovate and ensure that economy and conservation go hand in hand.

Dolphins in Baja California
The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) is one of dozens of species of marine mammals to ply the waters off Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula. Here, the Conservancy is working to strengthen a network of marine protected areas that will ensure these iconic creatures have a place to call home in the Gulf of California.
Carlos Aguilera Calderón
A Planet Where People and Nature Thrive
Explore Mexico's biological diversity and cultural richness.
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Maya Forest
Maya Forest
Erika Nortemaan/TNC