

Climate Change Stories

Restoring the World's Forests

A man holds several tree seedlings in his arms.

How reforestation can be one of the planet's most effective natural climate solutions for people and nature.

The world needs trees. They regulate climate, provide clean air, clean water, habitat for wildlife and outdoor enjoyment. Working forests are often critical to local and regional economies. For many Indigenous Peoples, forests are an important link to traditional ways of life and livelihoods. Trees make local communities more resilient to extreme heat and flooding, and they boost our emotional and physical well-being.

Reforestation means restoring trees to the places where they historically existed and where they can grow into healthy forests. This can be done by letting young trees grow back naturally or by planting new seeds or seedlings.

There are opportunities to restore forests all over the world. 

When reforestation is informed by the best science and done in partnership with local communities, it can restore balance to the ecosystem; support economic opportunities; and help tackle the combined challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss.

Reforestation projects around the world


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× forested hill


Ant Forest has grown to over 690 million participants, who have planted as many as, 475 million trees across China. Behind these impressive numbers is a continuous partnership and support from TNC.

× cypress seedlings


In Texas, TNC’s Southmost Preserve nursery is an opportunity to bring back the iconic Montezuma cypress.

Agroforestry as a Climate Solution
× cocoa tree

Agroforestry as a Climate Solution

Adding native trees to agricultural lands improves biodiversity and farmer livelihoods and can help address the climate crisis at a global scale.

× seedlings


Today, productive reforestation is becoming a driver of sustainability throughout the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Instead of clearing forests to produce food, our strategy integrates native forests and farms.

× tree planting


Reaching our goal of reforesting one million acres in Minnesota would require increasing seedling production about 8-fold.

Floodplain Reforestation Program
× floodplain

Floodplain Reforestation Program

A new reforestation program pays landowners in the Mississippi Delta region for the environmental benefits that come from restoring forests on their most flood-prone lands.

West Virginia
× red spruce

West Virginia

Since 2015, over 3,000 acres of red spruce habitat has been created in West Virginia, allowing the spruce trees to grow into the forest canopy and begin producing seeds.

× planting a seedling


We’re working with partners and applying science and technology to plant the right trees in the right places, including mangroves on Kenya’s North Coast and timber and fruit trees in western Tanzania’s Mahale ecosystem, home to the 93% of the country’s endangered chimpanzees.

× jaguar


We are working to restore these forests which lose hundreds of thousands of acres yearly due to deforestation.

× longleaf pine farm


When Hurricane Ivan devastated his tree farm, an Alabama farmer turned to the Farm Bill to help restore the land with longleaf pine.

How reforestation can help tackle climate change

Reforestation is a tried-and-true natural climate solution. For eons, trees have pulled carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through the oldest carbon-capture technology on Earth, photosynthesis. This means, reforestation contributes to climate action by helping to remove carbon from the atmosphere and lock it into the wood of the trees themselves.

In fact, reforestation is one of the most cost-effective carbon removal strategies available.

Strategies like agroforestry, or the practice of planting trees in between crops or pasture land, can help store additional carbon while also providing a new revenue stream for landowners.

Agroforestry in Brazil (2:00) When you think of farming, you don’t usually think of native trees among crops or pastures, but that’s exactly what agroforestry is—planting native trees on agricultural land.

Growing certainty around reforestation through science

We need rigorous science to know how to plant the right trees in the right places and ensure those trees survive in the long-term. TNC's science works to home in on the places with the greatest climate returns per hectare of investment in reforestation and agroforestry. We do this by developing maps—really menus of options—for where trees could be restored to the landscape.

Quote: Dr. Susan Cook-Patton

The climate cooling power of reforestation depends heavily on how much new forest area we can gain. The greater the footprint of new forest, the greater the amount of carbon dioxide we can pull from the atmosphere.

Dr. Susan Cook-Patton Senior Forest Restoration Scientist

Latest Research

How TNC supports reforestation efforts around the world

TNC brings decades of experience, scientific expertise, and global reach to our reforestation work. With hundreds of successful projects in our portfolio, we leverage cutting-edge research and tested best management practices to ensure reforestation is effective and sustainable. We work with partners, local communities, governments, and other rightsholders around the world to create tailored solutions that benefit people and nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No, planting trees alone cannot solve climate change. We also need to keep forests as forests, improve our management of existing forests and pursue the many promising options within our agricultural sector, grasslands and wetlands. 

    And though it is one of our most effective, affordable options for carbon storage, reforestation and other natural climate solutions must be paired with phasing out fossil fuels and accelerating renewable energy.

  • Yes. When making decisions about where and what to plant, it’s important to consider what types of trees will do best in the long term. We must plant the right tree in the right place in the right way. So, for example, if it is a wetland, plant trees that like to be wet. If it is a fire-prone landscape, plant fire-resistant trees with wide spacing to promote healthy fire behavior.

    In Minnesota, TNC is working with farmers to grow and plant "climate-smart" tress, which will be more resilient in a warming world. 

  • We love planting trees. But it’s important to remember that we do not always need to plant trees. When conditions are right, we can step back and simply let nature grow. A 2024 study showed that natural regrowth, or letting trees grow back naturally, can be more cost effective in some cases. 

    There is no single “best” solution for restoring tree cover. Natural regrowth can be highly effective when sites are not too degraded, and better support native biodiversity. However, in other places, we may need to replant some or all of the site to help or accelerate forest recovery, especially where the natural seed supply has also been lost. And in places where human livelihoods are paramount, it may make more sense to establish an agroforestry system or timber plantation. Ultimately, the best solution supports the local communities because they are the ones who will be the stewards of that future forest.

  • Forests are naturally diverse, and this diversity of plant species brings an array of benefits: pest and disease resistance, resilience to climate change and increased wildlife habitat.

    A 2023 study published led by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and The Nature Conservancy shared the results of a decade of research from BiodiversiTREE, a large-scale reforestation project at SERC designed to run 100 years, testing the effects of different tree planting strategies on sapling survival and other ecosystem functions.

     The results showed that reforestation projects with diverse species are more likely to include species that thrive at the planting site, lowering the risk of planting failure. These results echoed previous tree diversity experiments showing that monocultures can both thrive and utterly fail, making it risky to plant only one species.

  • Albedo refers to how much sunlight is reflected from the Earth’s surface

    Trees soak up and store atmospheric carbon, leading to planetary cooling, but they can also absorb more solar radiation than other vegetation types, leading to planetary warming. The balance of these effects varies from place to place and is central to identifying areas where expanding tree cover can serve as a climate solution.

    Factoring changes in albedo into decision-making around tree cover restoration ensures these projects can be deployed in locations with maximum climate-positive impact.

  • Yes. A study published in Science found that reforestation can benefit many species both locally, by increasing habitat, and globally, by mitigating climate change. These include many iconic forest species from spotted salamanders and red-bellied woodpeckers to jaguars. 

    In Brazil, forest restoration in the Mantiqueira Mountains is helping support a region rich in bidoiversity.


  • Forests are a tried-and-true natural climate solution. For eons, trees have pulled carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through the oldest carbon-capture technology on Earth, photosynthesis.

    In this article, TNC's Sr. Forest Restoration Scientist, Dr. Susan Cook-Patton, summarizes the latest science of reforestation.

looking up through trees