

Upper Tana Watershed in Kenya and provide cleaner, more reliable water for Nairobi.
The Nature Conservancy is working to protect the Upper Tana Watershed in Kenya and provide cleaner, more reliable water for Nairobi. The Nature Conservancy is working to protect the Upper Tana Watershed in Kenya and provide cleaner, more reliable water for Nairobi. © Nick Hall

Meet our Donors

Donor Spotlight

Edwin Macharia

Edwin traveled with TNC to Belize.

Edwin Macharia understands the power of nature—both its destructive force and its sustaining energy. When Edwin was growing up in Kenya, he recalls, a violent thunderstorm once blew the roof from his school classroom. For a year afterwards, the students met outside under the shelter of a mugumo tree while the roof was repaired. Today, Edwin is determined that his young daughter inherit a world where nature’s power is harnessed for good, safeguarding ecosystems and helping future generations to thrive—a lasting legacy.

Which is why Edwin is so committed to the work of The Nature Conservancy. Co-founder of Axum Earth, the premier Afrocentric impact platform, Edwin joined TNC’s Africa Council—a global advisory board of trustees helping to guide TNC’s work across Africa—in 2018. His leadership deepened when he was elected to TNC’s board of directors two years later. Based in Nairobi, Edwin manages his volunteer duties in the midst of a demanding career and family schedule, balancing a complex mix of personal and professional responsibilities.

After learning about the generosity of TNC’s Legacy Club members—and the enduring conservation achievements made possible by this special group—Edwin was inspired to make yet another commitment to the future of nature by including TNC in his estate plans. With this gift, Edwin adds his voice to the chorus of more than 32,000 Legacy Club members, 450 of whom are his fellow TNC trustees—all of them actively working for nature’s future.

“TNC’s role in bending the curve towards a harmonious coexistence with nature cannot be understated,” says Edwin, “particularly outside the U.S. Having seen TNC’s impact and ambitious vision for a sustainable future, joining The Legacy Club just made sense.”

Ademola Ajagbe, director of TNC’s Africa region, says legacy gifts are especially meaningful. “They are one of the greatest honors we can receive,” he notes. “And Edwin’s expertise in finance makes his confidence in TNC’s Africa work especially gratifying. We’re thrilled and inspired that he trusts TNC to carry forward his deep personal commitment to conserving nature and improving lives on the continent for generations to come. Thank you, Edwin!”


TNC’s role in bending the curve towards a harmonious coexistence with nature cannot be understated, particularly outside the U.S. Having seen TNC’s impact and ambitious vision for a sustainable future, joining The Legacy Club just made sense.