

Plant a Billion


Help us ensure our forests last for future generations

Will You Help Us Regreen Brazil?

Plant Your Tree

The Nature Conservancy is working to promote large scale forest restoration in two of Brazil's crucial forests  - the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado Forest. They are essential not only to the survival of many plant and animal species, but also to the people of Brazil – providing help against climate change, storing and filtering water, helping protect against floods and providing economic opportunities to local communities. 

Due to many factors, very little of these forests remain. We are working to plant trees across these areas to benefit both people and nature. 

Atlantic Forest
Over 120 million people in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay alone depend on the Atlantic Forest as a source of water and hydro energy.
Atlantic Forest
This forest is home to many species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians including many endangered specied found nowhere else in the world.
Atlantic Forest
Deforestation of this forest has reduced the amount of water available to local communities. We are planting trees to help create more freshwater for people to drink.
Atlantic Forest
With tall straight trunks and an umbrella of branches at the crown, the araucaria trees, often knows as monkey puzzle trees in English, lend a distinctive look to the landscape.
Cerrado Forest
Enormous biodiversity qualifies the Cerrado as the richest savanna in the world. In addition the Cerrado is home to the headwaters of the most import Brazilian Rivers.
Cerrado Forest
Home to thousands of plant and animal species that we can protect by restoring this great forest.
Cerrado Forest
The threat of expansion has hurt these forests but we can help bring them back to life through forest restoration.
Atlantic Forest
Due to expansion and development, these forests are threatened. We can help restore by planting in these areas.
Atlantic Forest
Home to thousands of plant and animal species, the Atlantic Forest is an important habitat of Brazil.

Planting Trees Across Latin America Explore the map by clicking on locations to learn more about our planting sites.
