Our People

Steve Schill

Lead Scientist, Caribbean Division


Steve Schill headshot.

Areas of Expertise

Habitat mapping, aerial and marine drone monitoring, ecosystem services, climate change adaptation

Media Contact

Cleveland Sam


Dr. Steve Schill is the Lead Scientist for The Nature Conservancy's Caribbean Division. As a marine conservation specialist, he has been promoting the use of technology to protect and manage marine resources for more than 15 years. His expertise includes remote sensing of marine habitats, systematic design of marine spatial plans and the development of GIS-based decision-support tools. His team works with governments and partners to map marine habitats and model ecosystem services, strategically expand marine protected areas and develop new monitoring techniques. Recently, he has been involved in developing multi-scale approaches for monitoring coral reefs and mangroves using satellite imagery as well as aerial and surface drone platforms.

Prior to working with The Nature Conservancy, he was a project manager for the NASA Affiliated Research Center at the University of South Carolina, developing innovative uses of remote sensing technology for commercial interests. Steve received his PhD in geography from the University of South Carolina and is an adjunct professor in the Department of Geography at Brigham Young University.

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