Maggie Eshleman, M.S.
Wyoming Restoration Scientist
Lander, Wyoming
Areas of Expertise
Sagebrush restoration, Re-vegetation research
Email: maggie.eshleman@tnc.orgBiography
Maggie Eshleman’s work focuses on improving native plant establishment on restoration sites in the sagebrush sea. One method she’s testing for improving establishment is to package seeds into a kind of planting medium “dough” that stimulates early seedling root growth. The hope is that the seedling can continue to access water during the summer dry season.
Prior to joining The Nature Conservancy, Maggie worked as an environmental consultant, where she travelled all over the U.S. conducting plant surveys and monitoring revegetation projects. She received her bachelor’s degree from Washington and Jefferson College and a M.S. in plant biology and conservation from Northwestern University.
Press Release
Restoring Sagebrush with a Pasta Machine
To coax sagebrush to grow on sites where it was removed, The Nature Conservancy is using science, ingenuity and an industrial pasta machine.