

Who We Are

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Aerial view of a vast landscape of agricultural field, homes, hills, and mountains with a double rainbow appearing over the fields.

TNC’s 2024 DEIJ Annual Report

Explore these learnings and engagements from colleagues across the globe.

Check Out the Report

ERGs Embrace Collaboration for a More Inclusive TNC

It was a milestone year for TNC’s global Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), thanks in large part to the collaborative efforts of ERG Steering Committees, Co-Leads, Executive Sponsors and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Sponsors.

With guidance from Associate Director of Inclusive Employee Investment Lyzel Krebs and GDEI Engagements Manager Abby Barber, this all-volunteer group met throughout the last fiscal year to discuss their respective goals and challenges, as well as their collective ideas for promoting inclusion and belonging across TNC’s organizational culture.

The result was a strategic multi-year vision, which groups presented at a virtual all-ERG retreat in March. The event also featured inclusion-focused icebreakers, games and activities, as well as a vulnerability storytelling session with diverse ERG sponsors from TNC’s Executive Leadership Team.

Candid portrait of Basmati Persaud standing outside near trees.
Basmati Persaud Finance Manager © Nature United

“This retreat gathered a cross-section of dedicated staff from various Business Units (BUs) representing a global TNC in one place. It was a time for celebration for all the hard work put in by these amazing folks who, in addition to their regular workloads, took time to collaborate with their ERGs to advance well-being for TNC employees.

I am proud to serve on the Women In Nature Steering Committee and attend events like this that help us further our mission, build relationships and explore new initiatives for making TNC stronger and more inclusive.”

Basmati Persaud, Finance Manager, TNC Canada and Nature United and WIN Co-Lead

Highlights from a Year of ERG Impact

While each ERG has a specific identity and area of focus, they come together in support of TNC’s organizational values and mission, promoting unity across the global footprint by:

  • Cultivating an inclusive and inviting organizational culture.
  • Helping to empower and amplify a diverse and equitable workforce.
  • Raising awareness of issues faced by underrepresented employees.
  • Addressing systemic problems facing communities around the world.

Last year TNC welcomed its ninth ERG, the Alliance for Diverse Asian and Pacific Islander Talent (ADAPT with Nature), and plans for several new member groups are currently in the works. Read on to learn about each ERG’s major goals and highlights from the year.

Employee Resource Groups

Read more about our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) and what they've accomplished this year!