

Stories in Wisconsin

Wisconsin's Top 5 Fall Migrations

A flock of tundra swans in flight.

Get outside and discover these five species of wildlife on their epic fall journeys throughout Wisconsin.

Many consider home to be just one location—a place where we share precious memories with those we love. For many animals, however, just one location will not do. Instead, some need two homes, one for the summer and one for the winter. Now that I think about it, I suppose some people feel the same. We call them snowbirds.

As fall approaches and daylight diminishes, leaves begin to change from green to a kaleidoscope of colors. We turn on the heat in our homes, and many species follow their ancient instinct of gathering together to head south.

The Nature Conservancy is protecting the forests, wetlands, and habitats that many of these species rely on to rest and refuel during their sometimes arduous journeys. To celebrate the wonder of migration, we have created a list of Wisconsin's "Top Five Fun Fall Migrations."

We hope you will enjoy reading about this awe-inspiring process that showcases the unparalleled beauty and wonder of our natural world.

Monarch Butterflies

The monarch is the only known butterfly to make a two-way migration as birds do. Incredibly, such a small animal (weighing less than a penny) can travel as far as 3,000 miles to reach its winter home. Every year, monarchs in the eastern United States merge into a central flyway on their journey to the mountain hillsides in Mexico’s oyamel fir forests.

Scientists still have no answer, but it is believed that the monarch uses a combination of directional aids, such as the Earth’s magnetic pull and the position of the sun, to travel. The biggest mystery, however, is how monarchs that have never been to the Mexican forests find their way.

As fall progresses, you can help scientists learn more. If you spot monarchs this fall, especially when there are clusters, you can report your findings as part of a citizen science monitoring project.

A pair of tundra swans in flight.

Tundra Swans

Wisconsin is a great place to observe the migration of the tundra swan. The Upper Mississippi River and the shores of Lake Michigan are situated on the flyway for the eastern population of tundras on their journey from the Arctic coast to the mid-Atlantic coastal region.

Lewis and Clark first described the tundra swan on their famous expedition. Today, they are the most common species of swan in North America. They can be identified by the characteristic whistling of their wings and an almost fully white body.

The Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge is a fabulous place to see flocks of tundra swans. Look for them from early November until ice begins to form.

An Eastern meadowlark on a green branch.
Eastern Meadowlark Although some eastern meadowlarks remain in Wisconsin year-round, most travel to the southern United States in late fall.

Eastern Meadowlark

A well-known grassland bird, the eastern meadowlark is best known by the distinctive “V” on its chest and its sweet, clear, whistling song. It is this song that distinguishes the eastern meadowlark from its western cousin. Although some eastern meadowlarks remain in Wisconsin year-round, most travel to the southern United States in late fall.

Eastern meadowlarks prefer prairies and other native grasslands; they can also be heard singing from atop fence posts and telephone lines. Meadowlarks and other grassland birds were once a common sight in Wisconsin. But their populations have declined precipitously as Wisconsin’s native prairies and savannas were plowed and converted to other uses.

A green darner dragonfly in flight.
The green darner dragonfly migrates as birds do, and a great spot to see them is in the wetlands near Green Bay and the Sheboygan River.

Green Darner Dragonfly

A less well-known migratory species is the green darner dragonfly. Darners are among the largest dragonflies, with bodies over three inches long and a wingspan of 4.5 inches. They are truly aquatic insects, relying on fresh water such as ponds, lakes, slow-moving streams, and marshes for all life stages.

In late summer, darners migrate south in large numbers. They don’t return in the spring, but their offspring do. Scientists understand less about the green darner’s migration than they do about other species like birds or the monarch butterfly. They have been observed, however, to travel as far as 90 miles a day!

A great spot to see darners is in the many marshland habitats near Green Bay and the Sheboygan River.

A turkey vulture in flight.

Turkey Vultures

Turkey vultures have been around since prehistoric times and are one of nature’s ultimate recyclers. They feed mainly on carrion, or dead animal flesh, which they find using their keen eyesight and sense of smell. They can eat rotten, diseased carcasses and not get sick, playing an important role in reducing the spread of diseases.

Turkey vultures are known for their effortless gliding flight and bald red head. They can be seen circling air thermals off uplands and rocky cliffs. Nature Conservancy preserves in the Baraboo Hills, such as Baxter’s Hollow and Hemlock Draw, are great places to spot these large birds.

This fall look for turkey vulture congregations on a warm, sunny day. Hundreds of these birds soaring in circles is truly a sight to see. After meeting up and stocking up on food reserves, Turkey Vultures will migrate to their winter homes in South America.