

A highway winds through foggy, forested mountains.

Stories in New Hampshire

The Future of Nature: Tackling the Climate Challenge

Enabling people and nature to thrive together.

Warmer winters and hotter summers. Extreme storms and severe drought. Invasive pests and struggling wildlife. Here in New Hampshire, and throughout the Northeast, the signs are unmistakable: our climate is changing. The average temperature has increased by two degrees over the past century.

A bobcat in the snow.
Bobcat Male bobcats will roam upwards of 60 square miles in search of food, shelter and mates. © Roger Irwin

If heat-trapping emissions continue at the current rate, the Granite State is on track to feel more like South Carolina by 2050. Skiing and pond skating, maple syrup making and snow-covered woods—our New Hampshire winters are at risk. Some of our wildlife will vanish, too, fleeing northward in search of safe habitat, while southern species will seek refuge in New Hampshire. And our forest landscape will change, as trees and plants are wiped out by invasive pests or replaced by warmer-weather species. If we don’t act now the New Hampshire we love will look and feel utterly different to the next generation.

An image of a painted turtle.
Painted Turtle The painted turtle is most commonly found in and around slow-moving bodies of water. © Maggie Keller/TNC

Connect The Coast

Many native species—such as turtles and amphibians—need access to multiple habitat types to survive and thrive. However, a rapidly developing landscape, expanding road network and a changing climate fragment the land, threatening the movement of wildlife throughout the seacoast region. A new effort aims to find and restore the connections they need most. Check out the Connect The Coast project.  

× An image of a painted turtle.
A worker installs solar panels on a roof.


Here in the Granite State, there’s still time to establish a path to a more sustainable future. Our approach to the climate challenge focuses on both the lands we cherish and the energy that fuels our lives.

With your help, we will raise $13 million to:

  • Create a network of resilient and connected landscapes where biodiversity can flourish in the face of a changing climate.
  • Help to spark a clean-energy future, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to global efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

It’s going to take both strategies—along with your support—if we’re going to be successful.