The sun sets along the horizon of a wide expanse of grassland, turning the landscape a golden brown color.
Nebraska grassland View of the horizon at TNC's Niobrara Valley Preserve © Scott Drickey

Stories in Nebraska

Nebraska's Climate Solutions

See how The Nature Conservancy is finding hope for the future in all corners of Nebraska.

Optimizing Land Use for Clean Energy Transition

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Nebraskans are already feeling the impact of climate change. 

The next 10 years will be critical for determining what our future will be.

Optimizing Land Use for Clean Energy Transition (1:22) Nebraskans care about family farms, clean energy and wildlife conservation. There’s a future where we can balance it all, together.

Fortunately, Nebraskans have a number of solutions at their fingertips. 

From soil to sky, communities are working together across the state to protect our health today and tomorrow.

Browse our StoryMap to learn more about climate change solutions in Nebraska.

A butterfly perches on a pink bristly flower.

How We're Tackling Climate Change

From reducing emissions through clean energy, to working with farmers and ranchers to capture carbon in their soils, Nebraska rises to the top for our potential to mitigate climate change.