View of forested mountains.
Talking about climate change is a positive step toward fixing the problem.

Stories in Idaho

A Guide to Talking About Climate Change

Four steps to talk about climate change with friends, family and your community.

Climate change is affecting Idaho right now. We’re seeing hotter summers, increased severity and intensity of wildfire, changes in water availability and more. These impacts are already felt by many Idahoans—69% of Idahoans think climate change is happening and 62% of Idaho voters think it’s an important issue.

Yet it can be really difficult to talk about climate change with friends and family. We can't fix a problem if we can't talk about it. You can help change that! And we can help.

Below you will find our four easy steps to talk about climate, as well as our Climate Solutions Video Series to learn about dedicated groups and individuals that already are working to address the impacts of climate change.