
CoralCarib Project

Elkhorn and boulder coral in the ocean.
© Jeff Yonover

CoralCarib aims to use advanced strategies to improve marine biodiversity in priority coral reef ecosystems in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica

Through project interventions, healthier and more resilient reefs will provide socio-economic benefits to people living in the coastal zones in these four countries. Project activities are designed to protect, restore, and sustainably use coral reefs with high potential to survive future climate impacts, using a pioneering new modeling approach to identify and prioritize coral climate refugia sites.

CoralCarib Project (4:37) Learn what makes the CoralCarib project unique by hearing from our staff and other stakeholders.


CoralCarib Project

Designed to improve coral reef resilience, marine biodiversity, and economic benefits in Haiti, Jamaica, Cuba and the Dominican Republic

CoralCarib Project Launch (55:30) The project was launched with a large event in Jamaica featuring speakers such as the Jamaican Minister of the Environment, the German Ambassador to Jamaica and TNC Caribbean's Executive Director, among others.