Stories in Australia

Martu Living Deserts

Martu country in the Western Desert is a place of global conservation significance, rich in biodiversity and cultural value.

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Spanning an area the size of the state of Alabama, Martu country includes parts of the Great Sandy, Little Sandy and Gibson Deserts.

Martu people have maintained a strong physical and cultural connection to their country for thousands of years but they needed support to manage it. That’s when The Nature Conservancy, working in partnership with BHP and Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (representing Martu interests), formed the Martu Living Deserts Project.

The project helps Martu people continue their remarkable connection to their country, combining modern science with indigenous ecological knowledge. Through the project, Martu ranger teams:

  • Manage feral herbivores and predators.
  • Conduct cool season burns that are smaller and less intense than hot summer wild fires and result in a more diverse range of habitats for wildlife.
  • Clean water holes.
  • Protect threatened species like rock-wallabies.
  • Engage with tourists at major camping sites along the Canning Stock Route.

Visit our Australia website to learn more about The Nature Conservancy’s work in Australia.